J-2 Contracting has constructed a number of parks and streetscapes along the Front Range of Colorado and in southern Wyoming.
We pride ourselves in the quality of workmanship and attention to detail that we have invested in the construction of these projects to make them cost-efficient for the project owner and enjoyable for those who use them. We have the project management skills to effectively manage multiple highly complex projects simultaneously while ensuring high quality.
Some of the features we have built within the parks we have constructed include structural concrete play areas, water features, sculpture settings, natural boulder placement, decorative concrete, interlocking pavers, irrigation, landscaping, custom-fabricated fencing and light poles, handrails, skate parks, bus/shade shelters, and restroom facilities.
We offer design-collaboration services for park construction to allow owners, engineers, and architects to leverage our experience in order to determine constructibility and optimize cost containment.
Fossil Creek Trail
J-2 Contracting completed the final segment of the Fossil Creek Trail in the Fall of 2018. This 1.7 mile section of 10’ wide concrete trail has been called “The Missing Link” given that is was the last major segment of multi-use trail in the City’s trail system to be constructed. This trail connects the Cathy Fromme Trail to the existing segment of the Fossil Creek Trail which coincidentally connects two of the premier parks in Fort Collins: Spring Canyon Park and Fossil Creek Park. Trail users can now travel from S. Shields St. to College Ave. without traveling along Harmony Rd.
To properly align the trail along Fossil Creek this project required the construction of 3 pedestrian bridges ranging between 60’-72’ in length. Through detailed planning and careful installation all 3 structures were set in less than 6 hours on October 17th, 2018.
This project required daily coordination with the homeowners along Fossil Creek Dr. as their culverts were replaced, driveway approaches were regraded and poured, and the new trail was constructed in front of their properties. In some cases water and cable service interruptions were coordinated with the homeowners without incident. The coordinated effort J-2 put forth with the homeowners was a big success and highlight of the project.
The Fossil Creek Trail Project was considered a success by the City of Fort Collins, the affected homeowners, local cyclists, pedestrians, equestrians, and all others involved with delivering this project.