J-2 Contracting has constructed a number of parks and streetscapes along the Front Range of Colorado and in southern Wyoming.
We pride ourselves in the quality of workmanship and attention to detail that we have invested in the construction of these projects to make them cost-efficient for the project owner and enjoyable for those who use them. We have the project management skills to effectively manage multiple highly complex projects simultaneously while ensuring high quality.
Some of the features we have built within the parks we have constructed include structural concrete play areas, water features, sculpture settings, natural boulder placement, decorative concrete, interlocking pavers, irrigation, landscaping, custom-fabricated fencing and light poles, handrails, skate parks, bus/shade shelters, and restroom facilities.
We offer design-collaboration services for park construction to allow owners, engineers, and architects to leverage our experience in order to determine constructibility and optimize cost containment.
Greeley Ashcroft Draw Sewer
The Ashcroft Draw Sanitary Sewer Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) project included design and installation of 18” Sanitary Sewer Main from HW34 North along 71st Avenue In Greeley, CO. The Project included 320 LF 36” Diameter Bore under HW34 at depths ranging from 21’ to 27’ deep. Over 4000 LF of 18” Sewer Main at depths from 8’ to 27’ deep was constructed in total.
J-2 was selected as the CMAR contractor at the 30% design milestone. During the completion of the design we were instrumental at addressing constructability issues, prequalifying specialty contractors for the directional boring scope, conducting a competitive bid process for all scopes not performed by our own forces, and identifying areas to mitigate risk and improve the overall schedule. The CMAR process was effective in mitigating risks associated with utility conflicts and crossing through pre-construction potholing and design modifications. To the extent required water services were relocated ahead of the main construction and storm and irrigation line modifications were made to accommodate the new construction. To further mitigate risk the 54” COG water transmission line position was monitored twice daily to ensure the bore crossing under the utility and HW34 had no adverse impact.